City of Detroit Boundary
A boundary file for the city of Detroit - this is not clipped to the coastline. -
OCFO Financial Reports
Various financial reports prepared for the City of Detroit by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), including its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR),... -
The areas that are targeted by the Strategic Neighborhood Fund, which is used to fund infrastructure improvements in neighborhoods, such as streetscapes, parks, single-family... -
DFD Battalions
Detroit Fire Department Battalion Boundaries. The Detroit Fire Department uses the battalion boundaries layer to manage the multiple fire stations across the city. The cities of... -
Master Plan Neighborhoods
The 54 Official Master Plan Neighborhoods based on the 2010 Census Tract boundary. -
Right of Way Maintenance Agreements
For more information please visit the Maps and Records website. This data represents legal agreements that the Department of Public Works has made with property owners related... -
The Zoning District of every parcel in the City of Detroit. Zoning Categories as defined by City Planning Commission, updated in April, 2021. -
Cycling Infrastructure (Bike Lanes)
Cyclist infrastructure throughout the City of Detroit compiled by the Detroit Greenways Coalition and the City of Detroit. -
DFD Fire Station Locations
All Detroit Fire Department fire house locations. -
Internet infrastructure. Provided by the Office of Digital Inclusion -
Internet infrastructure. Provided by the Office of Digital Inclusion -
Internet infrastructure. Provided by the Office of Digital Inclusion -
service location
Internet infrastructure. Provided by the Office of Digital Inclusion -
Base Units Addresses
A table of all addresses in the city. These addresses are purely descriptive and do not have an inherent location. They acquire their location from the physical base units that... -
Legislative Policy Division Reports
Research, policy analysis, and general legislative reports provided by the Legislative Policy Division to the Detroit City Council. Reports are in pdf format.For more... -
Detroit Downtown Areaways
Please review this map prior to applying for any permit involving sidewalks in Downtown Detroit. If you have any questions please email MapsandRecordsBureau@Detroitmi.gov -
Base Units Address Points
A table of the addresses in the city with their location represented as points. When an address is related to a unit, its location is the center point of the building that unit... -
Base Units Buildings
A table of all buildings in the city. This table is maintained by DoIT. This table links to the other base unit tables:addresses should generally link to a building, but do not... -
Current Master Plan Future General Land Use
The Master Plan of Policies Future General Land Use map sets forth a comprehensive long-range strategy for the City of Detroit. The plan is designed to change in response to new... -
Detroit Local Historic Districts
Map of all local historic districts in the City of Detroit that is updated regularly and intended to be used for reference purposes only. Each local historic district is enacted...