DetroitNeighborhoodReportBoundaries 20200709
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Work Place Count by Zip Code
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Residence Count by Zip Code
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KPOC SurveyResponses Fall2020 20210528
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Southeastern Michigan Tract 2020 Median Household Income
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DetroitBoundary Projected
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There is no description for this dataset
There is no description for this dataset
Construction Projects
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SinglePrntHHwKids ACS18 5yr MITracts 20200420
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NeighborhoodReportsCoveringDetroit CoverageAreas 20200706
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SMART BusRoutes Jan2019
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SMART BusStops Jan2019
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Schools Detroit2014
The list of schools in Detroit was obtained from the Michigan Educational Entity Master, Sept 3, 2014. All schools within the Wayne RESA area were downloaded and geocoded. Data... -
People Mover Route, Detroit
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ChildPopulationRanges 2017 Detroit byTract 20190516
{{description}} -
WGS84 KindergartenRounduplocations Geocoded 20210618 v1
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WGS84 ListofKBCLocations Geocoded 06182021 v1.csv
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Join ID Parcels 20211209
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AskD3 HumanIT CensusTract 2019
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