Detroit Recreation Centers
Location of Recreation Centers in Detroit, Michigan. Created in February, 2012. Attribute table contains name and location of recreations centers. Data may not reflect recent... -
This layer is a reproduction of the non-motorized transportation projects that have been completed, are in progress or in planning as issued by the City of Detroit Department of... -
DWSD CSO Event Data
Detroit Water & Sewerage waste water discharge event location data (2008-2014). Information on location and function of various structures involved with discharging effluent... -
Election Precincts 2014
Created by the City of Detroit during the districting process leading up to the first council by district election in 2012. These precincts were first used for the Council... -
Current State of Michigan, State Senate legislative district boundaries. This file accurately represents the districts created after the 2010 dicennial census. -
Michigan House of Representatives Electoral Districts, 2010
Current State of Michigan, House of Representatives legislative district boundaries. This file accurately represents the districts created after the 2010 decennial census. -
Michigan U.S. Congressional Districts, 2010
Current State of Michigan, U.S. Congressional district boundaries. This file accurately represents the districts created after the 2010 decennial census. -
Most current available data on Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) bus routes in the Tri-County area of Southeast Michigan. Data may not be precisely... -
Detroit Churches 2011
List organizations that offer religious services in the city of Detroit, Michigan. Data table includes the name and address of contacts and religious affiliation. Data may not... -
OC Land Use 2001
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from... -
Archival (2014) data on Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) bus stops in the Tri-County area of Southeast Michigan. Data may not be precisely aligned... -
DEGC Opportunity Zones
Map of the Qualified Opportunity Zones in the City of Detroit. Data provided by the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC) on the City of Detroit Open Data Portal, by census... -
CollegeEnrollment12m 20162017 byMISenate 20190722
This dataset contains college enrollment information, for Michigan's Senate districts, for the state of Michigan. College enrollment was defined as the number of public high... -
Average Auto Insurance Rates by Zip Code
OVERVIEW In March 2019, Poverty Solutions released “AUTO INSURANCE AND ECONOMIC MOBILITY IN MICHIGAN: A CYCLE OF POVERTY”, a policy brief detailing the sources of Michigan’s... -
Public Libraries
Name and address of public libraries in the city. Data may not reflect recent closures. -
Greater Detroit Foreign Trade Zone Sites
Approved, activated foreign-trade zone sites in the FTZ No. 70 (greater Detroit) grant area. A foreign-trade zone is a designated location in the United States where companies... -
IFF analysis on early childhood educational settings and availabilty, paid for by the Kellogg Foundation. Report: http://kresge.org/sites/default/files/library/iff-detroit-... -
Dark Sky
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. VIIRS Day/Night Band Imagery acquired 11/5/2015 at about 3:30 AM Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer... -
OC Conservation Easement
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. A spatial representation of land that is protected from development by a Conservation Easement... -
OC Educational
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. This point feature class was created by geocoding the facility address as provided by Oakland...