LeadBloodLevels 2017 byMIHouse 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by House district, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
CollegeEnrollment 2017 byMISenateDistrict 20181106
This dataset contains college enrollment information by Michigan Senate districts. College enrollment was defined as the number of public high school students who graduated in... -
CollegeEnrollment 2017 byMIHouseOfRepDistrict 20181106
This dataset contains college enrollment information by Michigan House of Representative district. College enrollment was defined as the number of public high school students... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byMISenate 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by Senate districts, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byTract 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by Census Tract, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byBG 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by Census Block Group, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byZip 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 bySchoolDistrict 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by School District, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byCntySub 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by County Subdivision, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 Michigan 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5 micrograms of lead per... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byMSA 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byCnty 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by County, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5 micrograms... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByMIHouseOfRepsDist 20181105
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by Michigan House of Representative districts, for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByMISenateDist 20181105
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by Michigan Senate districts, for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was provided by... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByMSA 20181105
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was provided... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByCountySub 20181105
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by county subdivision, for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was provided by Center for... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByCongressionalDistrict 20181105
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by U.S. Congressional District, for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was provided by... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByCounty 20181105
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by county, for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was provided by Center for Educational... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByTract 20181105
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by U.S. Census Tract, for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was provided by Center for... -
FreeAndReducedLunch Fall207 ByBlockGroup 20181105
This dataset contains Free and Reduced Lunch information, by U.S. Census Block Group, for the state of Michigan in Fall 2017. Free and Reduced Lunch data was provided by Center...