SMART Bus Stops
Sourced from SMART's GTFS data. -
Trash, Recycling, Bulk Pick Up Zones
Trash, Recycling and Bulk pick up boundaries for the City of Detroit. These boundaries combine both east and west side city service providers (Advance and GFL) -
Data from State of Michigan's Center for Educational Performance and Information https://cepi.state.mi.us/eem/PublicDatasets.aspx -
Commercial Properties for Sale
Commercial properties for sale by the City of Detroit. -
Neighborhood Stabilization Program I
City of Detroit Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) I boundary application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. -
Neighborhood Stabilization Program II
City of Detroit Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) II boundary application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. -
Neighborhood Stabilization Program III
City of Detroit Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) III boundary application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. -
Open Checkbook Payments
This dataset provides information about payments made by the City of Detroit to vendors, suppliers, and individuals providing goods and services to the City. Payment data is... -
Park Finder
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Demolition Tracker Map
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Traffic Signals
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Parcel Viewer
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{{description}} -
Development Projects 2018-19
{{description}} -
Development Projects 2018-19
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Financial Distric Historic Tour
{{description}} -
Historic Financial District Tour
{{description}} -
This host layers are the source of the DDP development web application, which includes new development projects and public space investment project in downtown Detroit. Data... -
This is a collection of layers created by Tian Xie(Intern in DDP) in August, 2018. This collection includes Detroit Parcel Data(Parcel_collector), InfoUSA business... -
2020 Land Cover Information Sheet