DLBA Owned Properties
The Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA) was established in 2008 and is currently the largest property owner in Detroit. The properties of the land bank consists of vacant lots,... -
Historic District Violations
A violation is any unapproved work on the exterior of a property. Violations that are not addressed stay with a property, despite ownership changes, until reviewed and cleared... -
The areas that are targeted by the Strategic Neighborhood Fund, which is used to fund infrastructure improvements in neighborhoods, such as streetscapes, parks, single-family... -
Certificate of Occupancy
A Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is the permission to occupy a building or space based on approved permits. The application is submitted to BSEED along with all permits... -
Demolition Permits
A demolition permit, also sometimes known as a wrecking permit, is required for the wrecking or tearing down of any building or other structure in Detroit. A licensed... -
Trash, Recycling, Bulk Pick Up Zones
Trash, Recycling and Bulk pick up boundaries for the City of Detroit. These boundaries combine both east and west side city service providers (Advance and GFL)