ThirdGrade ELA Math Scores byTract 08032017
Third grade English Language Arts (ELA) and Math test results for the 2016-2017 school year by census tract for the state of Michigan. Data Driven Detroit obtained these... -
GraduationRates 2016 2017 byTract 20181019
High School graduation rates for the 2016-2017 school year by census tract for the state of Michigan. Data Driven Detroit obtained these datasets from MI School Data, for the... -
GraduationRates 2016 2017 byMichiganStateSenate 20181019
High School graduation rates for the 2016-2017 school year by Michigan Sentate districts for the state of Michigan. Data Driven Detroit obtained these datasets from MI School... -
GraduationRates 2016 2017 byCongressionalDistrict 20181019
High School graduation rates for the 2016-2017 school year by congressional district for the state of Michigan. Data Driven Detroit obtained these datasets from MI School Data,... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byTract 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by Census Tract, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5...