Behavioral Risk Surveillance System
The Detroit specific BRFSS data is drawn from the Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (MiBRFS), an annual, statewide telephone survey of Michigan adults aged 18 years and... -
Commercial Demolitions
The Commercial Demolitions program is managed by the Construction and Demolition Department (CDD) and was established in 2014 to address the unique circumstances of commercial... -
Citizen Radio Patrol Boundaries
The Citizen Radio Patrol Boundaries dataset describes areas with active citizen radio patrols. The Citizen Radio Patrol program was established in 1967 by a Detroit City Council... -
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) Resolutions
Authorizing resolutions related to Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) districts, including 134 of 141 new and rehabilitation districts. All documents are in pdf format, include... -
DLBA Owned Properties
The Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA) was established in 2008 and is currently the largest property owner in Detroit. The properties of the land bank consists of vacant lots,... -
Number of Deaths Due to an Opioid Overdose and All Drugs
All deaths between 1999-2017. Numbers were provided by the Division of Vital Records and Health Statistics at MDHHS. Opioid overdose cases include those where the underlying... -
Medically Underserved Areas Population
The Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/P) show designated MUA/Ps as well as MUA/Ps as they relate to HRSA Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP) designated rural health... -
Reported Major Crimes 2011 to 2014
Reported major crime offenses from Jan 1, 2011 through Dec 31, 2014 for the City of Detroit. -
2018 2019 Schools (EEM)
Data from State of Michigan's Center for Educational Performance and Information https://cepi.state.mi.us/eem/PublicDatasets.aspx -
MCRS Awardees
Design and construction track awardees of the Motor City Re-Store program.For more information about the Motor City Re-Store program click here. -
Building Permits
A building permit is the approval given by the Buildings, Safety, Engineering and Environmental Department (BSEED) to complete work on a building according to Detroit City Codes... -
Detroit City COVID Confirmed Cases and Rates by ZIP Code
Detroit-specific ZIP code populations, along with their cumulative COVID case counts, deaths, and rates. Data provided by Detroit Health Department. The public-facing COVID... -
City of Detroit ZIP Codes
List of United States Postal Service (USPS) Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) Codes found within or partially within the borders of the City of Detroit.Implemented in 1963, ZIP Codes... -
DLBA For Sale
Properties for sale by the Detroit Land Bank Authority through the Auction, Own It Now, and Renovation programs.For more information about the DLBA's sales programs click here. -
Detroit Future City Land Use Scenarios
Detroit Future City: 10, 20 and 50 Year Land Use Scenario -
Health Insurance Coverage by ZIP Code Tabulation Area
This dataset provides an estimate of the percent of Detroit residents who reported having health insurance at the time they completed the American Community Survey (ACS). The... -
Motor City Match Cash Awardees
Cash grant awardees of the Motor City Match program.For more information about the Motor City Match program click here. -
NEZ NR Districts
The NEZ-NR Districts dataset contains the Neighborhood Enterprise Zones district boundaries applicable to New and Rehabilitated facility projects. NEZ-NR districts are the... -
Neighborhood Enterprise Zones - Homestead (NEZ-H), 2006-2021
The Neighborhood Enterprise Zones - Homestead (NEZ-H), 2006-2021 dataset was replaced with NEZ-H boundaries that were modified on June 15, 2021. This original historic dataset... -
Side Lots Sold
Properties sold by the Detroit Land Bank Authority through the Side Lot Program.For more information about the DLBA's sales programs click here.