City of Detroit Waste Collection Areas
There is no description for this dataset
Right of Way Maintenance Agreements
For more information please visit the Maps and Records website. This data represents legal agreements that the Department of Public Works has made with property owners related... -
Cycling Infrastructure (Bike Lanes)
Cyclist infrastructure throughout the City of Detroit compiled by the Detroit Greenways Coalition and the City of Detroit. -
Right of Way Encroachments
For more information please the Maps and Records website. Data Description This encroachment data is intended as a reference material of encroachments, but not designed for... -
Right of Way Act51 Map
The Act51 Map Layer represents the road network that the City of Detroit reports to the Michigan Department of Transportation on a annual basis. The Act51 Map Layer identifies... -
Right of Way Permits
Right-of-way (ROW) permits help us plan and coordinate safe and effective use of our shared public roads, sidewalks, alley ways, and other thoroughfares. The term "public...