Trades Permits
A trade permit is issued for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, boiler and elevator work done on a building. A licensed professional or a home owner who occupies the dwelling can... -
Building Permits
A building permit is the approval given by the Buildings, Safety, Engineering and Environmental Department (BSEED) to complete work on a building according to Detroit City Codes... -
Right of Way Permits Historic
Right of way permits issued in the last 365 days by the Dep't of Public Works. -
Right of Way Permits
Right-of-way (ROW) permits help us plan and coordinate safe and effective use of our shared public roads, sidewalks, alley ways, and other thoroughfares. The term "public... -
Certificate of Occupancy
A Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is the permission to occupy a building or space based on approved permits. The application is submitted to BSEED along with all permits... -
Demolition Permits
A demolition permit, also sometimes known as a wrecking permit, is required for the wrecking or tearing down of any building or other structure in Detroit. A licensed... -
Demolition Tracker Map