Lead Reports
Lead clearance reports from BSEED. Please see here for more information about BSEED's Lead Requirements. -
Number and Rate of HIV Diagnoses
Count and rates were provided by MDHHS Epidemiologists. Rates were calculated using population data from the 5-Year American Community Survey. -
Number and Rate of Leading Diagnoses for Hospitalizations
This data was originally drawn from the Michigan Inpatient Database (MIDB). Note that this data may not be used for commercial purposes without first obtaining written... -
Number of Chlamydia Cases by Age Group
Outpatient clinics, hospitals, doctors offices and other health facilities report STD cases to the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services. Cases include Detroit... -
Number of Deaths Due to an Opioid Overdose and All Drugs
All deaths between 1999-2017. Numbers were provided by the Division of Vital Records and Health Statistics at MDHHS. Opioid overdose cases include those where the underlying... -
Confirmed Communicable Disease Data by Quarter for Detroit
Confirmed cases of communicable diseases in the City of Detroit as reported into Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS), by quarter. This is a rolling total of the most... -
Number of Gonorrhea Cases by Age Group
Outpatient clinics, hospitals, doctors offices and other health facilities report STD cases to the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services. Cases include Detroit... -
Number of Syphilis Cases by Age Group
Cases include all syphilis cases, not exclusively primary and secondary syphilis cases, between 2001-2017. Outpatient clinics, hospitals, doctors offices and other health... -
Medically Underserved Areas Population
The Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/P) show designated MUA/Ps as well as MUA/Ps as they relate to HRSA Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP) designated rural health... -
Federally Qualified Health Centers
FQHCs include all organizations receiving grants under Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act (PHS). FQHCs qualify for enhanced reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid,... -
Health Insurance Coverage by ZIP Code Tabulation Area
This dataset provides an estimate of the percent of Detroit residents who reported having health insurance at the time they completed the American Community Survey (ACS). The... -
Behavioral Risk Surveillance System
The Detroit specific BRFSS data is drawn from the Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (MiBRFS), an annual, statewide telephone survey of Michigan adults aged 18 years and... -
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Charter and EEA Schools Water Testing Results
Results of tests for lead in drinking water at city of Detroit charter and EEA Schools that were conducted in 2016. All documents are in PDF format.For more information, please... -
Daycare Water Testing Results
Results of tests for lead in drinking water at city of Detroit daycare programs that were conducted in 2016. All documents are in PDF format.For more information, please visit... -
DPS Water Testing Results
Results of tests for lead in drinking water at Detroit Public Schools (DPS) that were conducted in 2016. All documents are in PDF format.For more information, please visit the... -
Grocery Stores in City of Detroit Public View
Grocery Stores in City of Detroit Public View -
School Based Health Centers
Health clinics based in schools with sponsorship from local health systems. Last updated in 2016. -
Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System 2017
The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors health-related behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth and adults. It... -
Detroit Community Health Survey - Data Tables
As part of the Detroit Community Health Assessment (CHA) process, the Health Department and community partners worked with the University of Michigan Detroit Metropolitan Area...