Opportunity Zones
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. Feature layer generated from MSHDA Opportunity Zone feature layer. The MSHDA Layer was joined to... -
Grocery Store Locations, 2019
Created in 2015 utilizing datasets from PolicyLink. Originally used for the Access to Core Services in Southeast Michigan benchmarking. Updated in June 2019. -
Hospital Locations, 2019
Created in 2015 utilizing datasets from PolicyLink. Originally used for the Access to Core Services in Southeast Michigan benchmarking. Updated in June 2019. -
Truck Routes
This file consists of road features that are either Class-A All-Season roads that have higher pavement design standards and allow higher weights during annual spring thaw weight... -
Detroit Council Districts
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. Detroit Council Districts -
Detroit Master Plan Neighborhoods
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. Detroit Master Plan Neighborhoods. May not match historical or current Detroit neighborhoods. -
Land Use, 2020
SEMCOG's 2020 land use layer contains one polygon for each of 20 land use categories present in each community. Land use in the City of Detroit is further subdivided by the... -
Detroit People Mover Stations
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. Detroit People Mover Stations layer. -
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. This layer contains information on active airports in the Southeast Michigan region (Livingston County,... -
Detroit People Mover Route
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. Detroit People Mover Route originally obtained from the Detroit Data Collaborative. -
Adjusted Census Urban Boundary, 2010
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement.2010 Adjusted Census Urban Area/Boundary (ACUA/ACUB): 2010 Adjusted Census Urban Area polygons extracted... -
Condominium Units, 2020
SEMCOG's condominium units layer contains a point located at the centroid of the building footprint in which the condominium record is physically located. The attributes of the... -
Crash Locations, 2018-2022
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. Mappable traffic crashes in Southeast Michigan, 2018-2022. -
2010 Census Urban Area
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. All area in Southeast Michigan categorized as "urban" by the Census Bureau following the 2010... -
Traffic Volume, 2022
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement.SEMCOG Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) for each federal-aid eligible road. AADT values are derived... -
2010 Census Block Groups
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. 2010 MGF Census Geography: 2010 Census polygons (tracts and block groups) extracted from version 17 of... -
2010 Traffic Analysis Zones
By using this data, you agree to the SEMCOG Copyright License Agreement. The 2010 Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) for Southeast Michigan were created using the Michigan Geographic... -
Group Quarters Facilities, 2020
The Group Quarters Facilities data layer contains information on both institutional and non-institutional group quarters facilities in Southeast Michigan. According to the... -
Building Footprints, 2020
B.1 Buildings InventoryThe Building Footprints data layer is an inventory of buildings in Southeast Michigan representing both the shape of the building and attributes related... -
Automotive Facilities
Locates the major facilities for the "Detroit Three" automakers--GM, Ford, & Chrysler. Data mostly comes from each automaker's media web site. Additional facility...