Census Response Rate Information: In order to help communities target their Census outreach activities, this map provides overall and internet response rates by tract for the state of Michigan. In Detroit, we included neighborhood boundaries and community development organization service areas. The map also includes the Census Invitation type, allowing communities to see how initial outreach was conducted and in what language. The 2020 Response Rate data will be updated dailyCensus Form Strategy information: This map contains initial invitation strategies for the 2020 Census by tract for the state of Michigan. Some households will receive an invitation to complete their census form online (or by phone), while other households will receive a paper census questionnaire along with an invitation to respond online. All households that have not completed their census form by mid-April will receive a paper questionnaire. Some households will receive their invitation in English, while others will receive their in English and Spanish. This map has color coded census tracts depending on if they received an initial paper or online invitation, and if their invitation will be in English or English and Spanish.