2023 Open Data Challege Finalist - Housing Information Portal

Participant: Noah UrbanAffiliation: Data Driven DetroitParticipant Insights: "We submitted the Housing Information Portal, through which we provide information on up-to-date housing and property conditions in Detroit's neighborhoods. The tool allows users to access a ton of data and statistics about housing and property in their neighborhoods, and over half of the indicators on its profile pages (sample page here: https://hip.datadrivendetroit.org/custom-profiles/genesis-hope/) are sourced from the City's Open Data Portal. To me, this represents a fantastic example of the power of Open Data. After demonstrating the Portal, we had one CDO tell us that he was able to get more relevant information about his neighborhood from ten minutes of using this tool than he had been able to get from entire summers of having interns working on data collection.” 

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Source https://data.detroitmi.gov/documents/detroitmi::2023-open-data-challege-finalist-housing-information-portal
Last Updated February 22, 2024, 03:45 (UTC)
Created February 22, 2024, 03:45 (UTC)
GUID https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=d91ac355072941159e42c3d7ca924ea6
dcat_issued 2023-05-16T17:42:30.000Z
dcat_modified 2023-05-16T17:48:57.000Z
dcat_publisher_name City of Detroit
harvest_object_id ca969515-f264-44b6-b4cc-8c8c784e1073
harvest_source_id 8ae37d07-91b5-437d-9971-c0d7ed157a78
harvest_source_title cod-portal