These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
Indoor Fun
An web application that shows the locations of various venues for indoor activities. -
Park Finder
Park Finder helps citizens locate and obtain activity info about in parks Oakland County, MI. -
Pickleball Courts
Indoor and outdoor Pickleball courts in Oakland County, MI. -
This app contains the locations of greenhouses and nurseries around Oakland County MI. -
Cider Mills
Find locally grown apples, apple cider, donuts and other goodies at a cider mill in Oakland County. Each location offers a variety of family activities, including apple picking,... -
QA test 022024EnterpriseParcelDataMapServiceSiteAddressSecured
This point feature class represents the center (not the true centroid) of each tax parcel polygon. The site address information is associated with each point that has a site... -
Project Greenlight Locations 20191001
Locations of current participants in Detroit's Project Greenlight as September 24, 2019. File was originally created on October 17, 2017 and was obtained from the city's Open... -
PovRatio ACS18 5yr MITracts 20200420
This dataset contains the B17024 (Age by Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the past 12 months) table from the American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates 2014-2018 for census... -
Food Pantries in Michigan 2016
This map displays the locations of food pantries in Michigan. Data were acquired from foodpantries.org in April, 2016. -
BECDD Proposed Neighborhood Zones 20180717
Neighborhood zones were created by the BECDD Defining Neigborhoods Task Force in 2018 and are based off of City council district boundaries. -
The Parcels data set from the City of Detroit Office of the Assessor is updated daily with land parcel data for all properties within the City of Detroit. Records in this data... -
DPD Citizen Complaints
This dataset reflects all citizen complaints received by the Detroit Police Department (DPD) and the Board of Police Commissioners from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018. The... -
Detroit Community Health Survey - Data Tables
As part of the Detroit Community Health Assessment (CHA) process, the Health Department and community partners worked with the University of Michigan Detroit Metropolitan Area... -
Detroit Community Health Survey - Report
As part of the Detroit Community Health Assessment (CHA) process, the Health Department and community partners worked with the University of Michigan Detroit Metropolitan Area... -
Detroit People Mover GTFS
This is the GTFS feed for the Detroit People Mover. You should use this data along with the GTFS-RT feed, available here:... -
Traffic Crashes
The State of Michigan’s criteria for a crash is a motor vehicle that was in transport and on the roadway, that resulted in death, injury, or property damage of $1,000 or more.... -
Internet Infrastructure
Internet infrastructure. Provided by the Office of Digital Inclusion -
Bike Retail Locations
Bike Retail Locations in the City of Detroit. Credit to Detroit Greenways Coalition. -
Bike Repair stations
Bike Repair Stations in the City of Detroit. Credit to Detroit Greenways Coalition.