The Kresge early childhood interactive map contains data relating to early childhood and education. It is meant to help stakeholders better understand the early childhood... -
The Kresge early childhood interactive map contains data relating to early childhood and education. It is meant to help stakeholders better understand the early childhood... -
Total Population
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
ACS 14 5YR B11005
The Kresge early childhood interactive map contains data relating to early childhood and education. It is meant to help stakeholders better understand the early childhood... -
Zip Code Join Data
The Kresge early childhood interactive map contains data relating to early childhood and education. It is meant to help stakeholders better understand the early childhood... -
ACS 14 5YR B09001
The Kresge early childhood interactive map contains data relating to early childhood and education. It is meant to help stakeholders better understand the early childhood... -
Tri County Zip TotalPop
The Kresge early childhood interactive map contains data relating to early childhood and education. It is meant to help stakeholders better understand the early childhood... -
ACS 14 5YR B01001
The Kresge early childhood interactive map contains data relating to early childhood and education. It is meant to help stakeholders better understand the early childhood... -
Total Pop Zip
The Kresge early childhood interactive map contains data relating to early childhood and education. It is meant to help stakeholders better understand the early childhood... -
Poulation Under 6
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
Percent of Households With Children
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
Population Under 18
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
Population Under 5
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
IFF Early Childhood Gap Analysis 2017
IFF analysis on early childhood educational settings and availabilty, paid for by the Kellogg Foundation, 2017. Report: http://kresge.org/sites/default/files/library/iff-... -
IFF analysis on early childhood educational settings and availabilty, paid for by the Kellogg Foundation. Report: http://kresge.org/sites/default/files/library/iff-detroit-...