
IFF analysis on early childhood educational settings and availabilty, paid for by the Kellogg Foundation. Report: http://kresge.org/sites/default/files/library/iff-detroit-report-final.pdf . IFF studied the supply of childcare, including Great Start, Head Start, and Early Head Start program funding and availability (slots). They compared supply to demand by estimating the number of 0-5 year olds and those who would qualify for those programs. They used Detroit master planning areas as their unit of analysis and ranked each area in terms of need.

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Field Value
Source https://portal.datadrivendetroit.org/datasets/D3::iffearlychildhoodgapanalysis
Last Updated October 28, 2024, 15:44 (UTC)
Created February 22, 2024, 03:48 (UTC)
GUID https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=0d66b000ae8245e1a7365284ddec888d&sublayer=0
dcat_issued 2016-04-06T15:37:35.000Z
dcat_modified 2023-01-05T14:07:01.936Z
dcat_publisher_name Data Driven Detroit
harvest_object_id c1e242f3-fce3-4a9c-b246-6b8c401b0b0a
harvest_source_id 6a696b94-01d6-40f9-9c07-a64a4fd69aa0
harvest_source_title d3-portal