ER visit rate for children with Medicaid, per 1,000 people with Medicaid (Approximate). The rate of visits due to Asthma and Diabetes are also calculated. Data are for 2013. The... -
Total Population
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
High Schools, by Top to Bottom Percentile, 2013-14
These show the locations of open schools for the 2015-16 school year for the Detroit Tri-County area. State of Michigan Top to Bottom scores are attached to schools where... -
Elementary Schools, by Top to Bottom Percentile, 2013-14
These show the locations of open schools for the 2015-16 school year for the Detroit Tri-County area. State of Michigan Top to Bottom scores are attached to schools where... -
EBLL 2013
Blood lead levels from Samples taken by the Michigan Department of Community Health. The MDCH does both intervenous and capillary blood lead level testing on children under 6... -
Poulation Under 6
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
Percent of Households With Children
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
Population Under 18
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
Population Under 5
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
IFF Early Childhood Gap Analysis 2017
IFF analysis on early childhood educational settings and availabilty, paid for by the Kellogg Foundation, 2017. Report: http://kresge.org/sites/default/files/library/iff-... -
Population under 6 by ratio of family income to poverty level. 2014 5 year ACS data, by Zip Code. Detroit Tri-county area. -
Health insurance coverage rates, from the American Community Survey, 2014 5-year Average, by Zip. For the Detroit Tri-County region. Data Driven Detroit calculated the rates by... -
IFF analysis on early childhood educational settings and availabilty, paid for by the Kellogg Foundation. Report: http://kresge.org/sites/default/files/library/iff-detroit-... -
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
ER visit rate for children with Medicaid, per 1,000 people with Medicaid (Approximate). The rate of visits due to Asthma and Diabetes are also calculated. Data are for 2013. The... -
These Demographic Data are U.S. Census American Community Survey Data, from the 2014 5-year set. Data Driven Detroit calculated densities (Per Sq Mile) by dividing the... -
Population under 6 by ratio of family income to poverty level. 2014 5 year ACS data, by Zip Code. Detroit Tri-county area. -
Health insurance coverage rates, from the American Community Survey, 2014 5-year Average, by Zip. For the Detroit Tri-County region. Data Driven Detroit calculated the rates by... -
EBLL 2013
Blood lead levels from Samples taken by the Michigan Department of Community Health. The MDCH does both intervenous and capillary blood lead level testing on children under 6... -
Schools TopToBottom
These show the locations of open schools for the 2015-16 school year for the Detroit Tri-County area. State of Michigan Top to Bottom scores are attached to schools where...