Base Units Address Points

A table of the addresses in the city with their location represented as points. When an address is related to a unit, its location is the center point of the building that unit is related to. In the future, this location may be upgraded to be the rooftop location of that unit within the building.When an address describes a building and not a unit, the location is the center point of the related building.When an address is only related to a parcel, its location is the center point of that related parcel.Fieldsaddr_id: The unique ID for this address.{unit, parcel, bldg, street}_id: The unique ID for the corresponding physical base unit: a unit/parcel/building/street.geo_source: The physical base unit that this address got its location from.Geometry typeThe geometry is a Point in the EPSG:2898 projection.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated January 30, 2025, 19:00 (UTC)
Created February 22, 2024, 03:44 (UTC)
dcat_issued 2022-07-15T13:15:49.000Z
dcat_modified 2024-10-16T14:33:47.834Z
dcat_publisher_name City of Detroit
harvest_object_id 97db9912-e7e0-4848-bd29-a456505c5c0f
harvest_source_id 8ae37d07-91b5-437d-9971-c0d7ed157a78
harvest_source_title cod-portal