CollegeReadiness 2017 2018 byMIHouseOfRep 20181107

This dataset contains college readiness information, by Michigan House of Representative district. This dataset is reporting score information from the 2017-2018 school year. Students were considered ready for college if they scored at or above the benchmark scores. The SAT Benchmarks represent the likelihood of success in entry-level college courses.  The benchmark for Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) is 480 and 530 for Math.  The SAT total score reported for Michigan is the combined Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing, and Math Student Score. The Total Score range is 400 – 1600.  Data Driven Detroit obtained this data from in October 2018 at a building level and aggregated the data to the Michigan House of Representative district level.Click here for metadata (descriptions of the fields).

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Last Updated February 22, 2024, 03:48 (UTC)
Created February 22, 2024, 03:48 (UTC)
dcat_issued 2018-11-07T21:44:50.000Z
dcat_modified 2019-02-15T20:57:21.682Z
dcat_publisher_name Data Driven Detroit
harvest_object_id a989da91-a17b-4c6c-a6d3-be9d5cd409f5
harvest_source_id 6a696b94-01d6-40f9-9c07-a64a4fd69aa0
harvest_source_title d3-portal