Completed Residential Demolitions

The Completed Residential Demolitions dataset provides records for demolitions contracted on behalf of City of Detroit completed between January 2014 and the present, and is provided by the Construction and Demolition Department (CDD) with the goal of creating more transparency regarding demolitions.Each row in the dataset provides information about a building or other structure that was demolished, including its location, the name of the business that performed the demolition, the price charged. date completed, whether the demolition cost was covered by Federal Hardest Hit Funds, and whether it was designated an emergency demolition. Whether a structure had a commercial or residential use prior to demolition is indicated in the "Commercial" field.More information about the demolition process is available from the Construction and Demolition Department.View visualizations of the Completed Residential Demolitions data on the Analytics Hub.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated January 30, 2025, 19:01 (UTC)
Created February 22, 2024, 03:43 (UTC)
dcat_issued 2021-10-18T15:53:57.000Z
dcat_modified 2025-01-30T10:32:25.877Z
dcat_publisher_name City of Detroit
harvest_object_id 6335b07b-a339-4df0-8314-71feea7eeb27
harvest_source_id 8ae37d07-91b5-437d-9971-c0d7ed157a78
harvest_source_title cod-portal