OC Ten Foot Contour ZIP

BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. A spatial representation of ten-foot topographic contour lines. This data used to create this line feature class was collected between 3/29/17 and 5/3/17. The 1-foot elevation contours were created on 12/13/18 by Axis Geospatial, and the County then created 10' contours from these. The  1' contours were derived from Bare-Earth (DEMs) created from QL2 LiDAR data that was collected as part of the State of Michigan's 2016 LiDAR project. The key attribute is Contour.

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Field Value
Source https://portal.datadrivendetroit.org/documents/oakgov::oc-ten-foot-contour-zip
Last Updated October 28, 2024, 15:44 (UTC)
Created October 28, 2024, 15:44 (UTC)
GUID https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=bbb2934503f043cfbbc5e404d50fca3c
dcat_issued 2019-02-13T17:24:38.000Z
dcat_modified 2019-02-22T21:25:40.000Z
dcat_publisher_name Oakland County, Michigan
harvest_object_id fe6aec5f-3652-426e-b2c5-4dfad06cdf1f
harvest_source_id 6a696b94-01d6-40f9-9c07-a64a4fd69aa0
harvest_source_title d3-portal