BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Water Area is a spatial representation of polygonal hydrography features (Stream/River over 8 feet wide, Lake/Pond, Canal/Ditch, Swamp/Marsh). This polygon feature class was originally derived from a line coverage that was stereo-compiled as part of the Oakland County Spring 2000 digital orthophotography project. Key attributes include the ReachCode and the GNISID as defined in the the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). Previously called Waterbody. Note: Null Field values mean the Data is not Available or Not Researched.This service is mainly for cartographic output, and contains a limited amount of the water body information: ACRES >10 AND FEATURETYPE LIKE 'LakePond' OR FEATURETYPE
LIKE 'StreamRiver' OR FEATURETYPE LIKE 'SwampMarsh'