DLBA Owned Properties
The Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA) was established in 2008 and is currently the largest property owner in Detroit. The properties of the land bank consists of vacant lots,... -
Trades Permits
A trade permit is issued for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, boiler and elevator work done on a building. A licensed professional or a home owner who occupies the dwelling can... -
Building Permits
A building permit is the approval given by the Buildings, Safety, Engineering and Environmental Department (BSEED) to complete work on a building according to Detroit City Codes... -
PDD Planning Projects
Planning areas layer managed by PDD for any boundary update or new designation. Last updated 09/05/2024 - AN -
DPD Citizen Complaints
Please note that you cannot see the date fields on this page due to a technical issue. To see the Report Date and Date Closed, please access the via ArcGIS Online, or download... -
Post Abatement Verification Reports - Deprecated
Post-Abatement Verification reports for residential and commercial properties for the City of Detroit's demolition program. Post-Abatement Verification reports are pulled from... -
Right of Way Street and Alley Openings
This data is intended as a reference material of street and alley openings, but not designed for survey, accurate positioning, or legal documents. It is created as polygon... -
Completed Residential Demolitions
The Completed Residential Demolitions dataset provides records for demolitions contracted on behalf of City of Detroit completed between January 2014 and the present, and is... -
Police Serviced 911 Calls
All 911 police emergency response calls for service in the City of Detroit since September 20, 2016 are included in this dataset. Emergency response calls are the result of... -
Energy Star Meter Entries
US Department of Energy (DOE) energy meter entry readings by start and end date. This is a subset of a larger data set. This data includes the cost, usage, start date, and end... -
Energy Star Meters
US Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Star energy meter information. This is a subset of a larger data set. This data includes all meter categories: all fuels, water, Data Center... -
Energy Star Properties
US Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Star property information for City of Detroit's municipal portfolio. This is a subset of a larger data set. This data describes the building... -
Existing Multifamily Housing Sites
This dataset contains existing multifamily rental sites in the City of Detroit with housing units that have been preserved as affordable since 2018 with assistance from the... -
Historic District Violations
A violation is any unapproved work on the exterior of a property. Violations that are not addressed stay with a property, despite ownership changes, until reviewed and cleared... -
MoGo Stations
Bike share station locations and characteristics data harvested from MoGo, the Detroit-based non-profit organization that operates bike share transit services in Detroit,... -
Multifamily Housing Construction Sites
This dataset contains multifamily affordable and market-rate housing sites (typically 5+ units) in the City of Detroit that have been built or rehabbed since 2015, or are... -
SNAP Retailer Locations
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) program that helps low-income families... -
Scooter Access Restrictions
{{description}} -
The areas that are targeted by the Strategic Neighborhood Fund, which is used to fund infrastructure improvements in neighborhoods, such as streetscapes, parks, single-family... -
Master Plan Neighborhoods
The 54 Official Master Plan Neighborhoods based on the 2010 Census Tract boundary.