Police Serviced 911 Calls

All 911 police emergency response calls for service in the City of Detroit since September 20, 2016 are included in this dataset. Emergency response calls are the result of people calling 911 to request police services, calls reported through the non-emergency DPD Telephone Crime Reporting (TCR) line that require emergency response, and ShotSpotter incidents. This dataset does not include requests for emergency response that occur through other channels (e.g. walk-ins, officer-initiated items). A DPD webpage provides recommendations for reporting different types of crime.Each row in the dataset represents a call for service and includes details such as when the call was received, its nature and assigned priority level, DPD response precinct or detail, and dispatch, travel, and total response times. Locations of incidents associated with each call are reported based on the nearest intersection to protect the privacy of individuals.This dataset replaces the previous 911 Calls for Service dataset, which is now deprecated. The current dataset does not include records for officer-initiated calls, and therefore has fewer records than the previous dataset. Officer-initiated call records through July 17th, 2024 are available in the deprecated dataset.Should you have questions about this dataset, you may contact the Commanding Officer of the Detroit Police Department's Crime Data Analytics at 313-596-2250 or CrimeIntelligenceBureau@detroitmi.gov.

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Field Value
Source https://data.detroitmi.gov/datasets/detroitmi::police-serviced-911-calls
Last Updated January 30, 2025, 19:01 (UTC)
Created September 13, 2024, 13:18 (UTC)
GUID https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=5868975fa1e7444cae8ca5240fc77c5b&sublayer=0
dcat_issued 2024-02-26T23:54:11.000Z
dcat_modified 2025-01-30T11:15:29.766Z
dcat_publisher_name City of Detroit
harvest_object_id 938bc5d0-162a-4f8b-9b57-80a9b80b5ac5
harvest_source_id 8ae37d07-91b5-437d-9971-c0d7ed157a78
harvest_source_title cod-portal