Detroit City COVID Confirmed Cases and Rates by ZIP Code

Detroit-specific ZIP code populations, along with their cumulative COVID case counts, deaths, and rates. Data provided by Detroit Health Department. The public-facing COVID Cases Dashboard is hosted at: July 29 2021:The underlying calculation for disease date was updated to allow for individuals to appear on the curve in multiple locations if they experienced more than one case of COVID-19 that was at least 90 days apart.Geospatial information analysis was also improved and additional criterial for address clean up were implemented, which leads to more accurate case counts within Zip Codes. Some unverified addresses that may have appeared in previous Zip Code counts are now excluded.This change discourages direct comparison of dashboard visualizations and counts prior to the new calculation, and non-significant shifts in numbers will be noticed.Case numbers represent Detroit residents only. Some ZIP codes with very low case counts are excluded to protect privacy. Case counts are totals per ZIP code and are not adjusted for population. ZIP code totals are preliminary; addresses are updated as new information becomes available and counts are subject to change. Not all cases have an accurate location; only cases with a known ZIP code are represented. Where a ZIP code is split between cities, only the Detroit portion is shown (48203, 48211, 48212, 48236, 48239). The counts exclude cases among prisoners at the Wayne County Jail and known hospital or laboratory locations.ZIP_Code: The USPS ZIP postal code Clipped_ZIP_Population: The 2010 population of the ZIP code, clipped to include Detroit City residents only.ZIP_Case_Count: The current cumulative count of Confirmed COVID cases within the ZIP code, since the beginning of the pandemic. (Have a "Confimed" case status in MDSS)ZIP_Death_Count: The current cumulative count of Confirmed COVID cases within the ZIP code, since the beginning of the pandemic. (Have a "Confimed" case status in MDSS and are deceased)ZIP_Case_Rate: Rate of confirmed cases per 100 thousand residents in the ZIP code.                            For each zip, the rate was calculated by (C/P)100000                            C = the count of confirmed (MDSS case status = Confirmed) cases with                                  a resident address in the ZIP code                           P = the population count of the ZIP codeZIP_Death_Rate: Rate of confirmed cases that were marked deceased, per 100 thousand residents in the ZIP code.                            For each zip, the rate was calculated by (D/P)*100000                            D = the count of confirmed (MDSS case status = Confirmed) cases                                  marked as deceased, with a resident address in the ZIP                                                               P = the population count of the ZIP code

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Field Value
Last Updated January 30, 2025, 19:01 (UTC)
Created February 22, 2024, 03:44 (UTC)
dcat_issued 2021-04-05T14:26:24.000Z
dcat_modified 2025-01-30T18:00:43.000Z
dcat_publisher_name City of Detroit
harvest_object_id 259cae61-860e-4870-b629-dde738639a6d
harvest_source_id 8ae37d07-91b5-437d-9971-c0d7ed157a78
harvest_source_title cod-portal