CollegeEnrollment 2017 byCounty 20181106
This dataset contains college enrollment information, by county, for the state of Michigan. College enrollment was defined as the number of public high school students who... -
CollegeEnrollment 2017 byBlockGroup 20181106
This dataset contains college enrollment information, by U.S. Census Block Group, for the state of Michigan. College enrollment was defined as the number of public high school... -
CollegeEnrollment 2017 byMICongressionalDistrict 20181106
This dataset contains college enrollment information, by Congressional District, for the state of Michigan. College enrollment was defined as the number of public high school... -
CollegeEnrollment 2017 bySchDist 20181106
This dataset contains college enrollment information, by school district, for the state of Michigan. College enrollment was defined as the number of public high school students... -
Foreign Firms Connection
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Oakland Counties Global Oakland foreign owned firms. Data provided by EDCA. For more information... -
Foreign Firms Oakland Co End
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Oakland Counties Global Oakland foreign owned firms. Data provided by EDCA. For more information... -
Foreign Firms International End
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Oakland Counties Global Oakland foreign owned firms. Data provided by EDCA. For more information... -
OC Businesses in Emerging Sectors
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. A point feature class of businesses included in the Emerging Sectors Initiative. For more... -
OC Composite Master Plan
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. A spatial representation of generalized Oakland County community master plans. These polygons were... -
OC Farm Land
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Land labeled as "Agriculture" from the 2015 Oakland County Land Use data. This data is... -
Opioid Prescriptions per 10,000 Residents (2016)
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE.Though this data was originally downloaded from the Michigan Automated Prescription System web site,... -
OC Tree Farms
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Location of farms where Christmas trees can be cut in Oakland County, Michigan. This is a subset of... -
OC Land Fill
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. A spatial representation of Current and Historic Landfill and Facility Sites using points. This data... -
OC Zip Code Area
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. The boundaries were digitized based on legal descriptions from the US Postal Service. The date of... -
OC Place of Worship
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. A spatial representation of structures where persons of various religious denominations congregate.... -
OC Fishing Locations
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. This point feature class was created in November, 2013, using a list of fishing locations from the... -
OC Day Care Facility
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Each point represents the spatial location of day care facilities in Oakland County. This feature... -
Opioid Prescriptions per 10,000 residents (2014)
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE.Though this data was originally downloaded from the Michigan Automated Prescription System web site,... -
Opioid Prescriptions per 10,000 Residents (2015)
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE.Though this data was originally downloaded from the Michigan Automated Prescription System web site,... -
OC Current Land Use
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. A spatial representation of land use. The polygons contained in this feature class were derived from...