OC Special Tax District
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Provided by local CVTs, the special tax districts were created using legal descriptions, maps, or a... -
OC Connection Line
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. The primary purpose of ConnectionLine is to display all lines that are not covered by the boundary... -
StormEvents details ftp v1 All Oakland
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Tornado paths and starting/touchdown points in Oakland County, Michigan circa 1953-2015. Data... -
Tornado Paths 1953-2003
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Tornado paths and starting/touchdown points in Oakland County, Michigan circa 1953-2015. Data... -
Tornado Start or Touchdown
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Tornado paths and starting/touchdown points in Oakland County, Michigan circa 1953-2015. Data... -
OC Voting Precinct
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. Legal descriptions of the voting precincts must be supplied by each municipality to the County... -
OC Building Outlines
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. The building outlines were derived from the 2017 imagery by Eagleview. They contain both a KeyPIN... -
OC Presettlement Vegetation
BY USING THIS WEBSITE OR THE CONTENT THEREIN, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. The Regional Presettlement Vegetation is land use circa 1800. It is a statewide database for... -
Wayne County Commission Districts 2012
The feature class Wayne County Commision Districts is created by Wayne County to show the boundaries of each of the fifteen commisioner districts in Wayne County. The current... -
Resident Workers Blocks 2014
This data was obtained from The Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics program, which is part of the Center for Economic Studies at the U.S. Census Bureau. The dataset... -
Good Building Permits Block 2015-2016
The Buildings, Safety Engineering, and Environmental Department provided building permit information for 2016, which was aggregated up to census blocks by Data Driven Detroit.... -
Addresses Use and Vacancy Block Q42016
Valassis Communications, Inc. VNEF Plus provided address level information for 2016, which was aggregated up to census blocks by Data Driven Detroit. Data includes total... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byMIHouse 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by House district, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
CollegeEnrollment 2017 byMISenateDistrict 20181106
This dataset contains college enrollment information by Michigan Senate districts. College enrollment was defined as the number of public high school students who graduated in... -
CollegeEnrollment 2017 byMIHouseOfRepDistrict 20181106
This dataset contains college enrollment information by Michigan House of Representative district. College enrollment was defined as the number of public high school students... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byMISenate 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by Senate districts, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byTract 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by Census Tract, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byBG 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by Census Block Group, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 byZip 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead... -
LeadBloodLevels 2017 bySchoolDistrict 20181129
This dataset contains lead blood levels, by School District, for the state of Michigan in 2017. An elevated blood lead level (EBLL) was defined by blood lead levels above 4.5...